
History of Pakistan Introduction


History of  Pakistan  Introduction

History of  Pakistan


Pakistan encompasses a chic diversity of landscapes, beginning within the northwest, from the soaring Pamirs and therefore the Karakoram through a maze of mountain ranges, a fancy of valleys, and inhospitable plateaus, all the way down to the remarkably even surface of the fertile Indus plain, that drains southward into the Arabian Sea. It contains a locality of the traditional Silk Road and therefore the pass, the renowned passageway that has brought outside influences into the otherwise isolated landmass. Lofty peaks like Godwin Austen and Nanga Parbat, within the Pakistani-administered region of Kashmir, gift a difficult lure to mountain climbers. on the Indus, the artery of the country, the traditional website of Mohenjo-daro marks one in every of the cradles of civilization.

At the time of partition in 1947, as several as ten million Muslim refugees fled their homes in Asian country and wanted refuge in Pakistan—about eight million in Asian country. just about AN equal variety of Hindus and Sikhs were uprooted from their land and acquainted surroundings in what became Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and that they fled to Asian country. not like the sooner migrations, that took centuries to unfold, these chaotic population transfers took hardly one year. The ensuing impact on the lifetime of the landmass has reverberated ever since within the rivalries between the 2 countries, and every has continuing to hunt a long-lasting modus vivendi with the opposite. Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Asian country have fought four wars, 3 of that (1948–49, 1965, and 1999) were over Kashmir. Since 1998 each countries have conjointly possessed nuclear weapons, additional intensifying tensions between them.

Pakistan is delimited by Iran to the west, Islamic State of Afghanistan to the northwest and north, China to the northeast, and Bharat to the east and southeast. The coast of the sea forms its southern border.

Since 1947 the geographic region region, on the western range of mountains, has been controversial, with Islamic Republic of Pakistan, India, and China every dominant sections of the territory. a part of the Islamic Republic of Pakistani-administered territory contains the alleged Azad Kashmird Kashmir|geographical area|geographic area|geographical region|geographic region} (“Free Kashmir”) region—which Pakistan even so considers an freelance state, with its capital at Muzaffarabad. the rest of Pakistani-administered geographic region consists of Gilgit and Baltistan, famous jointly once 2009 as Gilgit-Baltistan (formerly the Northern Areas).

Pakistan is placed at the western finish of the good Indo-Gangetic Plain. Of the overall space of the country, regarding three-fifths consists of rough mountainous piece of land and plateaus, and therefore the remaining two-fifths constitutes a large expanse of level plain. The land are often divided into 5 major regions: the chain and range of mountains ranges and their subranges; the Hindu Kush Mountains and western mountains; the Balochistan upland; the submontane plateau (Potwar upland, Salt Range, trans-Indus plain, and Sialkot area); and therefore the river plain. among every major division there square measure any subdivisions, together with variety of desert areas.

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