Family, a bunch of persons united by the ties of wedding, blood, or adoption, constituting one house and interacting with one another in their several social positions, typically those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings. The family cluster ought to be distinguished from a house, which can embrace boarders and roomers sharing a standard residence. It ought to even be differentiated from a kindred (which conjointly considerations blood lines), as a result of a kindred could also be divided into many households. oftentimes the family isn't differentiated from the wedding combine, however the essence of the family cluster is that the parent-child relationship, which can be absent from several wedding pairs.
At its most simple, then, a family consists of associate degree adult and his or her offspring. most typically, it consists of 2 married adults, typically a person and a girl (almost forever from completely different lineages and not connected by blood) beside their offspring, typically living in an exceedingly non-public and separate dwelling house. this sort of unit, additional specifically referred to as a extended family, is believed to be the oldest of the varied forms of families alive. generally the family includes not solely the bogeys and their widowed youngsters living reception however conjointly youngsters that have married, their spouses, and their offspring, associate degrees probably aged dependents as well; such a rendezvous is termed an clan.